Friday, November 21, 2008


Now it is time to select a site.

We will be voting on a site at the next meeting and as stated before;

"If you don't choose one, we will!!!"

Some things to consider when looking for a site:


·      Remember what your project is!!!!! (SKI/SPA)

·      Rural? Urban?

·      What is the climate like?

·      How close it is to public transit? a population?

·      East coast? West coast? Midwest?

·      US or abroad?

·      What is the topography like (flat, mountainous, lots of plants, desert)

·      Lots of sun, wind, geothermal, tidal energy?

·      Open site (ie. side of unused hill)

·      Compacted site (underside of a freeway?)


The sky is the limit on this site selection.  Lets see some discussion.



During the next two weeks!

Post- sketches, poems, writings, haiku's, link to google earth images, maps etc.  Put forth ideas and defend them. If you send us a link we can post it.  


Make sure to VOTE!! Check out the poll on the blog. Good Luck!!


Anonymous said...

We could take care of Seattle's flooding streets by taking in a portion of downtowns storm water runoff and turning it into snow.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just build a giant geodesic dome over "Summit" @ Snoqualmie Pass since fake snow is better than no snow!!! Would probably double their winter customers alone!!!